Saturday, January 2, 2010

Obese--A Word in My Vocabulary

Obese. That's how I'm starting 2010--obese. It's a hard word to include in my vocabulary, especially since its describing me. I've never had a great self-image, even when I was well under and within my ideal/healthy weight range, but now I'm obese. How did I get here?
Forget the overweight range, in the past two years I've jumped into the obese pool and it's not looking all that great.
If I were planning to be a professional linebacker or weight lifter, being 205 pounds would be great. But, I'm a 42 year old, work-from-home, 5' 3" mom who used to be a (proud) band geek. Two hundred plus pounds doesn't look good on a person like me.
Now, I've discovered that what my biggest obstacle--the fear of success. Seems strange being afraid to succeed and not fail. I know I'll fall down, screw up, do things in inefficient ways from time to time, but I'll always get up and try again.
My goal for the year was to post everyday and take a photo everyday. Well, after sorting, planning, and organizing all yesterday, it was well past midnight before I had a chance to say anything.
So here I am, a new year, a new plan, and a new determination.
Already, I've organized my closet, cleaned out clothes that don't fit (and never will), and purchased the motivation bikini. A very cute, string purple, sparkling, bikini that I've hung in my closet.
Now the hard part begins.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Starting Over--Again

It never fails, I start a new diet and exercise routine and by day three, it's blown in some way or another. The kids get sick, too many errands to run, someone has to finish off the last three pieces of cake---whatever the reason, I'd always feel frustrated and annoyed at myself for giving up so quickly.
Now, with my book Worth the Weight about to be completed, I started to really read my character, Megan, and realized that she didn't start with everything at once.
One week she changed her food choices, the next she started working out.
I'm on week one and so far, I've done well. I've not cheated, I've stayed with my goals, I'm not starving myself nor am I eating nothing, but bacon. I've found a good routine that I can stick with even after I get to my goal weight/BMI.
Then next week comes the exercise--hopefully, I don't jump into the deep end and beat myself in the process.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Hello All!

Welcome to my blog site--sounds cheezy, but it's a start.
I'm heavy in revisions for my first fiction book "Worth the Weight" and hope to have it out to the agent here in a couple of weeks. Here's a little nibble of the book--no calories!

Megan Sayla's journey is a great one. She goes from runaway bride to bombshell, but her journey isn't a simple one. She has quite a few potholes to jump over, a psychic Italian grandma to deal with, and fight the never ending urge to eat raw cookie dough. All this while trying to be calm, cool, and collected when around the guy she calls Adonis.

More to come!

Stay tuned!
